The program is defined by 6 key principles covering eating habits, physical activity, sleep, and a specified weight loss methodology. IWL is designed as a series of support tools to help you form new habits that will shape your daily life.
Take small steps towards a big transformation. IWL equips you with adaptable meal plans, delicious recipes that fit your nutritional requirements, exercise recommendations, and tools to monitor your results. You will also join a supportive community to fuel your motivation and connect with like-minded people who share your journey.
This helps us understand your goals, preferences and any unique considerations to tailor the program to you.
Take time to understand how they work with your body to create a lasting impact on your wellbeing.
Embrace the process when you begin incorporating nutrition, movement and mindful habits into your daily routine.
Upon achieving your desired results, transition into the maintenance phase with confidence.
All revenue goes into research and further developing the program to ensure we deliver the most effective and sustainable solutions for your long-term health and happiness. Start today by choosing a plan that works for you and create an account to claim your free trial.
IWL Plan
This essentials plan covers everything you need to get started, from learning materials, community support, and personalised tools to help you track your progress.
- Personalised weight tracker
- Step-by-step guide to the IWL plan
- Daily habit tracker
- IWL approved recipes
- Access to IWL private community
IWL PLUS covers all the essentials, and includes an accredited IWL dietitian to help you get personalised insight, and support along your journey.
- All features in the IWL Plan
- Individual coaching via telehealth with an accredited dietitian
- One call per month with unlimited in-app chat or email support
- Upgrade/downgrade any time
- Upgrade/downgrade any time
IWL Plan
This essentials plan covers everything you need to get started, from learning materials, community support, and personalised tools to help you track your progress.
- Personalised weight tracker
- Step-by-step guide to the IWL plan
- Daily habit tracker
- IWL approved recipes
- Access to IWL private community
IWL PLUS covers all the essentials, and includes an accredited IWL dietitian to help you get personalised insight, and support along your journey.
- All features in the IWL Plan
- Individual coaching via telehealth with an accredited dietitian
- One call per month with unlimited in-app chat or email support
- Upgrade/downgrade any time
- Upgrade/downgrade any time
Still have questions? We’re here to help - contact us to get them answered.
We receive countless enquiries about whether the IWL plan can be followed by people of different ethnicities or with different eating patterns. Yes, absolutely yes! It can be followed by anyone. The IWL plan is an adaptive approach that can be tailored to your lifestyle. If you’re a vegetarian, take the meat out. If you’re allergic to salmon, don’t make the salmon recipe. If you’re coeliac, substitute with wholegrain carbohydrates that don’t contain gluten. And if you’re unsure about how to tailor any aspect of the program your assigned dietitian can also help you.
The IWL plan can also be followed from wherever you are located – rural, remote and overseas. We are a global program.
IWL is a long-term approach that works with your biology, not against it. Dieting is one of the biggest stresses you can impose on your body. We all have a ‘set point’ which is the weight your body protects and is most comfortable at. When you diet your body compensates by changing several important biological pathways - metabolism, energy source used, appetite hormones, autonomic nervous system, thyroid gland, adrenal gland, and brain function – to ensure you return to your ‘set point’. So biology is blocking your success. IWL redefines your set point without your body fighting itself by imposing small weight loss stresses at monthly intervals, and it teaches you healthy habits that last a lifetime.
We’re confident it’s right for you, that’s why we offer you a free trial so you can see for yourself.
We guide you through the program week-by-week with videos and supporting materials, and you’ll be prompted with new content that will pop-up on your dashboard each week. Not much change or effort is initially required of you. In fact, we get you to work on one thing at a time, and when mastered, you move on to the next.
And if you’re still unsure and don’t want to sign up online, you may benefit from first reading one or more of the three Interval Weight Loss books to understand the science behind weight loss and to provide even greater detail on the plan. The books will also assist you in breaking the dieting mindset and help you unlearn all the bad habits and wrong information you may have picked up over the years. These can be borrowed from your local library, purchased online or at your local bookstore.
If you’re ever struggling or have a question, we’re here to help! We are real people and qualified healthcare professionals that care about you. You can email us at any time: and a member of the IWL team will get back to you within 24 hours (weekdays).
The IWL program has intention weight loss maintenance months at regular intervals, but if you ever notice a plateau or struggling to lose the weight, we will guide you in the right direction and provide you with the support materials to get you back on track.
The other good news is that you do not need face-to-face contact to succeed on the IWL plan. Research has proven this. However, you can opt for the IWL PLUS plan which can be found under the 'subscription' section of your account, or you can opt into this level of support at signup. This plan gives you individual coaching with an IWL accredited dietitian via unlimited emails and once monthly video or phone calls.
Nothing is excluded on the IWL plan. We don’t tell you to cut out your favourite foods, reduce sugar, or eliminate carbs. And if you like to drink, you can still drink too!
Unlike a diet, it won’t have your scouring the supermarket for obscure ingredients all night, counting calories, cooking for hours, weighing out foods on your scales, following set meal plans, depriving yourself of food or completing some unrealistic and militant exercise program. In fact, the IWL plan is the complete opposite and gets to the bottom of the real issues that people need help with. You’ll learn how to manage your favourite comfort foods, not demonise them. Your relationship with food will improve, as will your relationship with yourself. And we will be here to help you every step of the way.