Should obesity be treated like cancer?
Would you consult with a person without qualifications if you had cancer? Why is it any different if you have obesity? It shouldn’t be.
Why clean eating is absolute bullsh*t — Dr Nick
Clean eating and clean living are certainly the words on everyone's lips this year, but what is it? Everyone from Gwyneth Paltrow to Jesinta ...
Dr Nick Fuller: It’s true! Diets are making you
IT’S a global epidemic, with no end in sight. Two in three people now have problems with their weight and despite our obsession with #f...
Dr Nick Fuller busts five health myths
1. Carbs are making us fat Since the Atkins diet came to our collective attention, carbohydrates have been continually - and unf...
Have celebrities finally come to terms that diets
Two in three people now have problems with their weight. From the 1980s to this day, obesity rates have trebled. This is despite the fact that 98% of...
Why diets do nothing to curb obesity problem
WE all know obesity is a global problem, yet no real solutions are in sight. What can we do to curb the problem? TWO in three people now have pro...
Dr Nick Fuller busts four weight loss myths
SINCE the 1980s, obesity rates have skyrocketed - largely due to our collective inactivity. Up to 70% of Australians fail to meet the recommended...
5 exercise tips to stay healthy
One in 10 deaths worldwide are attributable to physical inactivity. We are simply not moving and it is a large part of the reason for the skyrocketin...
Does eating nuts make you fat?
Nuts are one of those ‘super foods’ that we should be talking about more often – and not for the common misconception that they cau...
The biggest problem with grocery shopping
The Health Star Rating has been on our supermarket shelves since 2014 - a voluntary system whereby food manufacturers can add it to their products if...